Price, whose show – “Some Landscapes of North America” – opens Friday, Sept. 4, at 811 Massachusetts Ave., is known to wait for hours until his environment is suitable for a picture. If an image is too large for his camera to fully capture, he will painstakingly stitch several images together until he can offer his patrons the full vista that he experienced on location.
“The more I photographed the landscapes, the more I appreciated the forms and colors wrought by time, water and wind, so much so that at times I feel I need to smack my head to make sure that what I’m seeing is real,” said Price.
“Every natural scene that is presented to your eyes is a convolution of the effects of light, water and the passage of time,” he said.
“And while we can see water almost everywhere, if we just wait a while, most of us do not think about the passage of time implicit in the creation and metamorphosis of the world in front of our eyes.”