Film historian Eric Grayson begins a three-part series, “Tough Gals in the Movies” with Outside the Law (1921) at Garfield Park Arts Center, 2432 Conservatory Drive, Saturday at 8 p.m. The Vintage movie night selection for April stars Priscilla Dean and Lon Chaney in the silent film with musical accompaniment by pianist Roger Lippincott. According to Grayson, at this point in Chaney’s career, having just achieved world stardom, he was known to play any kind of role in such a way that no one could identify him. Chaney performs two different roles in the movie that features many fight sequences and chases. Upcoming films in the series are Made for Each Other (1939) with Carole Lombard and Jimmy Stewart, May 18 and China Seas (1935) with Rosalind Russell, Clark Gable, Jean Harlow, and Wallace Beery, June 1. Admission is $5 per person with concessions $1 each and free parking. Info: 317-327-7135.
Pat Grimm, a standout girls’ basketball player at Center Grove High School, will be among 12 inductees Saturday evening into the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame at Primo Banquet Hall on the Southside. Grimm played in the pre-IHSAA era of girls basketball for coach Carol Tumey, a hall of fame member. Grimm scored 50 points in one game as a freshman and only played two quarters. She later played at Purdue University. She became national sales manager for The Finish Line. The banquet is sold out. A free public reception at the Hall of Fame museum in New Castle is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Info:
The annual Mothers & Others luncheon will feature historian Debra Sloan, who will present the history of aprons at the unique event Saturday, May 11, noon to 2 p.m., at Greenwood United Methodist Church, 525 N. Madison Ave., Greenwood. Sloan will bring antique and not-so-old aprons with luncheon patrons who are urged to bring aprons. She will share her collection and explain why aprons disappeared from use for a while. The luncheon is sponsored by the church’s United Methodist Women. Tickets are $7 per person, children 5-and-under, free, and available by calling 317-881-1653, daily, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
The City of Southport is seeking small business owners, crafters, food service and artisans as vendors at the annual spring festival Saturday, May 11, at the city park, 6901 Derbyshire Road. The festival is 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The fee for a 10x10space is $35; more if a larger space and/or electricity needed. Interested vendors may call 317-786-5489 or online at: [email protected].
Summer Reading Program
Greenwood Library’s Summer Reading Program - “A Universe of Stories - runs May 13-July 27. Participants will earn points for reading and can use them to purchase raffle tickets and the chance to win prize packages, including trips to Conner Prairie, Holiday World and the Newport Aquarium. Tickets can also be earned by participating in the library’s various programs. Register at the library, 310 S. Meridian St., or at Info: 317-881-1953.
Blood Drive
Perry Township and the Indiana Blood Center are hosting a blood drive from 3-7 p.m. Tuesday, April 30, at the Southport Police Department, 137 Worman St. Donors must be in generally good health, at least 17 years old (16 with parental consent) and weigh a minimum of 110 pounds.
Card Party and Quilt Raffle
The Ave Maria Guild of St. Paul Hermitage, 501 N. 17th Ave., is hosting its spring card party and quilt raffle from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Thursday. The cost is $10, which includes lunch. Info: Vicki Goss at 317-223-3687.
Church Women United Meet
Bill Boone, director of Servants Hearts, will be the guest speaker when Church Women United celebrates its May Friendship Day from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Friday, May 3, at Southport Methodist Church, 1947 E. Southport Road. Items will be collected for Teachers Treasures. LaNisha Clark and Ara Mercer-Nelson will be awarded Young Church Women Awards during the luncheon. The cost is $7, and reservations should be mailed to Joann Wade at 6552 Cahill Place, Apartment B, Indianapolis, IN 46214 by Friday.
Paper Shredding and Recycling Program
David Brenton’s Team, a real estate agency, is sponsoring a free paper shredding and recycling event from 9 a.m.-noon Saturday at its office, 4741 E. Stop 11 Road, where canned goods will be accepted on behalf of Hunger Inc., eyeglasses for Riley Hospital for Children and cellphones for soldiers. Info: 317-882-7219.