Children know about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. But do they know the story of Groundhog Day?
If not, Peter J. Welling's entrancing new children's book, “Andrew McGroundhog and His Shady Shadow,” hopes to impart this legendary celebration to the young and young at heart.
The book starts with stories about Thane Andrew McGroundhog's activities. He wears a tartan kilt, eats hagis, hikes and fishes. The colorful, cartoonlike illustrations feature wonderful pictures of the Loch Ness Monster, the signs for the high and low roads, Hadrian's Heights and other Scottish themes.
One day the groundhog meets his shadow and is surprised that the shadow is unhappy with him. As he learns why and how to deal with it, the story of the groundhog's prediction of the timing of the winter's transformation into spring emerges. The book even includes a Scottish word glossary.
The book is cute and fun and offers the opportunity for children to begin to learn about the popular images of Scotland and the holiday we celebrate annually on Feb. 2.
Welling will be at Bookmamas, 9 S. Johnson Ave., at 2 p.m. Saturday to read his story. Groundhog cookies and tea will be served, and the author will sell and sign copies of the book.
Reservations are not required for the free event but can be arranged by emailing [email protected].