Online bidding for roles - there are no auditions - in Buck Creek Players’ production of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” continue through June 23. Famously known for its “Time Warp Dance,” the musical comedy follows the adventures of Brad Majors and his fiancée, Janet Weiss, as they innocently set out to visit an old professor. Unfortunately for them, the night is destined to be one they will never forget. A thunderstorm and a flat tire force them to seek help at the castle of Dr. Frank N. Furter, an alien transvestite scientist with a manic genius and insatiable libido. All participants must be at least 18. Info:
Huge Rummage & Bake Sale
St. John’s United Church of Christ, 7031 S. East St., is having a huge rummage and bake sale, Saturday, June 15, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Free Vision Screenings
The Southport Lions Club will provide free vision screenings for children ages 1-6 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday, June 18-20, at Southport Library, 2630 E. Stop 11 Road. Appointments are not required. Info: AJ Johnson at 317-250-3556 or email [email protected].
Support Group for Those Affected by Kidney Disease
Kidney Talk, a support group for those living or caring for someone with kidney disease, will present “The Relationship Between Diabetes and Kidney Disease” at 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 19, at the Franciscan Diabetes and Endocrinology Center, 5250 East Stop 11 Road. Reservations are not necessary. Info: Janice Steuri at 317-528-2006.
Hammocks Can Be Rented at Park
White River State Park now offers rental hammocks - up to four hours - so visitors can enjoy a relaxing visit to the park. Info: 317-572-7102 or visit
‘100 Things To Do in Indianapolis’
Ashley Petry, author of the second edition of “100 Things To Do in Indianapolis Before You Die,” has put together the definitive Circle City bucket list, and it’s full of fun things to do. Here are some of her suggestions:
• Splurge on once-a-year treats such as deep-fried Oreo cookies, sugary lemon shakeups and butter-soaked corn at the State Fair and take in a concert or two along Central Canal.
• Join in on the Indiana Black Expo’s Summer Celebration to celebrate African-American culture through concerts, fashion shows and vendors.
• Enjoy the city’s talented classical musicians as they play music of Beethoven and The Beatles at Connor Prairie Amphitheater, which is set against a backdrop of sunsets and stars.
Info: Petry at 317-410-0184.
Seniors Can Lower Odds of Falling
A program to help seniors minimize their fall risks will be presented by the Johnson County Council on Aging at 11 a.m. Thursday, June 20, at The Hearth at Stones Crossing, 2339 S. State Road 135, Greenwood. A complimentary lunch for seniors will be provided. Info: 317-803-6131.
Flag Retirement Ceremony
Southport will observe an American flag retirement ceremony at 2110 E. Southport Road on Flag Day, Friday at 7:30 p.m. The 40-minute ceremony will dispose the American flags properly and with a Color Guard entrance, armed forces medley and playing of “Taps” to conclude the event. Refreshments will be provided. The site is adjacent to the Southport Antique Mall. Flags may be brought to the ceremony or dropped off earlier at the Southport Municipal Center, 137 Worman Street, or Perry Senior Services, 6901 Derbyshire Road. Info:
Roncalli 5K Benefit Run
A 5k road race, walk and kids run Saturday, June 15, 8 a.m., at Roncalli High School will raise funds for the Rebels’ girls track and cross-country programs. Cost is $30 per person; kids, 8-and-under, free.
Registration Begins For Summer Social
Registration is under way for the 50th anniversary Summer Social at Roncalli, 3200 Prague Road, Saturday, July 27. Cost is $5 per person, $15 family or $25 family plus a commemorative 50th anniversary blanket. Events begin with Mass in the high school gymnasium at 5:30 p.m. Summer Social free family activities include bounce houses, face painting, slip ‘n slide and more. Adults may dine on food, beer and wine from Indy’s most popular food trucks. Indy’s popular party band, Mixtape, plays from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Tickets are selling at the high school advancement office, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., or call 317-787-8277, Info: