Operation Christmas Child, which collects shoeboxes full of small toys, school supplies and hygiene items for needy people, is hosting a dropoff site through Nov. 19 at Southport Presbyterian Church, 7525 McFarland Blvd. The boxes can be dropped off between 1-3 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. today-Friday, 1-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday and 9-11 a.m. Monday. Donations can also be made by calling 937-374-0761 or visiting www.samaritanspurse.org/occ.
Sale Features Cookies, Holiday Treats and Crafts
The women of Greenwood United Methodist Church, 525 N. Madison Ave., are holding their annual Cookie Walk from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday. In addition to homemade cookies being available for $5 per pound, the event will feature cheeseballs, sweet breads, fudge, other holiday treats and crafts. Proceeds will benefit the church’s missions projects. Info: www.greenwoodumc.org or 317-881-1653.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Keenan-Stahl Boys & Girls Club, 1949 E. Troy Ave., welcomes the public to its free Thanksgiving dinner from 5-7 p.m. Thursday. Turkey and all the trimmings will be served. Those interested in volunteering or donating to the cause should call Bob White at 317-220-2172.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Edgewood United Methodist Church, 1820 E. Epler Ave., will host its community Thanksgiving dinner from 5-7 p.m. Saturday. Donations will be accepted.
Art Fair Provides Shopping Opportunities
The 11th annual Autumn Art Fair runs from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday at the Garfield Park Arts Center, 2432 Conservatory Drive. The show will feature china, ceramics, drawings, fancy gift boxes, designer clothing, hats, purses, scarves, greeting cards, gourds, jewelry, leather, mixed media, paintings, prints, photos, poetry door prizes, music, face painting and a kids zone. Info: 317-327-7135 or www.gpacarts.org/.
Just ‘Leaf’ ’Em at the Curb
The Indianapolis Department of Public Works’ leaf collection program runs through Dec. 7, during which time residents may set out up to 40 bags of leaves per week in addition to their regular trash. Leaves - best placed in plastic bags - should be kept at least 3 feet away from the regular trash as they are collected separately on normal trash day. Leaves will be taken to the Southside Landfill and turned into compost, which Indianapolis residents can pick up in the spring.
Donate Blood, Get a Ticket to See ‘A Christmas Carol’
The Indiana Repertory Theatre, 140 W. Washington St., is hosting a blood drive from 3-6:30 p.m. Friday. Donors will receive a ticket to select performances of “A Christmas Carol” and a 25 percent discount on the purchase of up to four tickets. Those unable to donate can receive a complimentary ticket and the discount by contributing items to IndyHumane or the Salvation Army. The production runs Saturday through Dec. 26. Donors must be in generally good health, at least 17 years old (16 with parental consent) and weigh a minimum of 110 pounds. Appointments can be arranged by calling 317-916-5150.
Friends of Garfield Park Meeting
The Friends of Garfield Park welcomes the public to its annual meeting at 9 a.m. Thursday at the Garfield Park Conservatory, 2505 Conservatory Drive. The meeting will provide an overview of the group’s goals, visions, partnerships, events and challenges as it promotes the city’s oldest park. Info: Mark Bowell at 317-840-8111.
Church Serves Free Lunches
University Heights United Methodist Church, 4002 Otterbein Ave. and adjacent to the University of Indianapolis, will serve free lunches from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday.
Free Meals, Clothing and Hygiene Items
Free hot meals, clothing and hygiene products will be available from noon-2 p.m. Saturday at Calvary United Methodist Church, 725 S. State St. Bulletin Boards are $10 per posting, or free with the purchase of advertising. To place a listing or for more information, call 317-781-0023 or email [email protected]