The starting pay for Indianapolis firefighters was $1.40 an hour, and they worked 63 hours a week.
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The Bell-Aire Drive-in Theatre at Kentucky and Tibbs avenue was showcasing a triple feature: “Black Sunday,” “The Last Rebel” and “The Hand”; admission was 75 cents.
50 Years Ago This Week - 1971
King and queen candidates for Manual’s annual spring fundraiser wereseniors Cindy Eva and Steve Dietz, juniors Jan Elrod and Mike Graham, (below, from left) sophomores Mark Montgomery and Louise Clark and freshmen Mark Campbell and Madonna Richardson.
40 Years Ago This Week - 1981
The Indianapolis Department of Public Works was interviewing for positions at its new wastewater treatment plant. The salaries ranged from $9,000 to $29,000 annually.
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Southport senior basketball standout Linda Mallendar, who was bound for Miami of Ohio University on a scholarship, was named to Adidas’ All-American team.
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Mike Chupp, a student at Baptist High, was named an Eisenhower Scholar and received a $10,000 scholarship.
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Cigarettes were 70 cents a pack.
30 Years Ago This Week - 1991
Bob and Margaret Ann Hillan wrote a letter to the editor to voice their concern over increased theft on the Southside. Someone had swiped their figurines, “Tucker,” a flag-waving lad, and “Mother Goose.”
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Ponderosa served a strip steak dinner and a sundae special for $4.79.
20 Years Ago This Week - 2001
A fire at Sacred Heart Church destroyed the altar, and water and smoke damage was evident through the historic structure. The damage was estimated at more than $1 million.
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Emmaus Lutheran School seventh-grader Matt Muncy won a $50 savings bond for winning the district competition in the RespectTeen program, which allowed students to voice their opinions in writing on any issue to their U.S. representatives.
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At 656 feet long and topping out at 21 mph, Kombo, the city’s only roller coaster, was up and running at the Indianapolis Zoo.
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Butler graduate and dentist Mark Bohnert received the university’s Catharine Merrill Graydon Alumni Award, presented for outstanding community service.
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10 Years Ago This Week - 2011
Kent John was a candidate for Indianapolis’ City-County Council District 23.
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Roncalli juniors Casey Corsaro and Katey Blackwell earned first- and second-place honors, respectively, in the Holy Cross Family Ministries Try Prayer! It Works essay contest.
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Located at 1110 Prospect St., Square Rootz was a unique deli that served distinctive sandwiches and sold records, compact discs and artwork.