This time around, the connection will be more profound as her students are creating coloring books for the Haitian pupils.
Here’s her story:
Pupils’ connection with Haitian children will be through coloring books

A few weeks before spring break during an art class, a child came to me and asked excitedly, “You know what we should do Miss Wuest?” “What?” I asked the student, her eyes eager with anticipation. “We should draw pictures and send them to students in another country and let them paint them. Ya know, like a coloring book.” I replied, “That’s a great idea!”
This month in art class, our third- and fourth-graders are making coloring books for the Haitians. We will send them to a school in one of the poorest areas of Haiti’s capital, Port au Prince.
I have visited this school and know that our books will be put to good use.
In addition, fifth-graders are drawing portraits of actual Haitian students for the covers; second-graders are decorating the back covers. The bookmarks are being made by kindergartners and first-graders.
And the PTO has taken an active role by donating boxes of crayons.
As our students learn how different life is in Haiti, they are eager to show love and kindness to others.