Whalen chose the most rigorous coursework and earned no less than an A- throughout her high school career. She was a National Merit finalist, an Advance Placement scholar with distinction and earned a perfect score on the reading and science sections of the ACT.
Whalen participated in track and field, cheerleading, mock trial, student council, Hoosier Girls State and the Archdiocesan Youth Council. She is weighing her college options and plans to attend medical school to become a neurosurgeon. She is the daughter of Rob and Liz Whalen.
Elam took six AP courses and did not receive a grade lower than an A. She was a four-year member of the Spanish Club and spent six weeks studying in Leon, Spain, through the Indiana University Honors Program in Foreign Languages. While Elam, daughter of Matt and Kim Elam, has not decided where she will attend college, she plans to major in international studies and minor in Spanish.