Organized through the tireless efforts of DJand promoter, Paul Rippy, the inaugural South-port ‘Vest A Cop’ car show was held Saturday,October 12 in the parking lot behind Renais-sance Electronic Services and next to the newSouthport Police Department administrationbuilding in Southport.Sunny skies helped attract a great turn-out of104 classic, restored and customized automo-biles, trucks, hot-rods and motorcycles.The event, free to the public, had softdrinks, hotdogs, and event shirts available. Allproceeds were donated to the Southport PoliceDepartment to purchase new ballistic vests (Federal Law mandates that all police ballisticvests must be upgraded every 3-years) for the force of more than 50
officers. Southport businesses generously stepped-up with donations and contributions totalling over $8,000 prior to the start of the event.There were 12-judged categories, Top-20 awards, Overall Best Of Show along with dash-plaques awarded to the first 100 entrants.
Wall plaques were awarded to the Top 20 winners, while both wall plaques and banners were awarded to category winners.
Special thanks to the Judges:
Tim Walker, Glenn DavidHollandworth,Tony Nelis and Mark Timbs for taking the time to
meticulously and fairly judge each and every entrant. It was a diffcult
task considering the number and quality of all the cars, trucks hot-rods and motorcycles.