The World of Wheels, a national custom car show series, recently held its 57th annual edition at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. The event, dedicated to “anything on wheels,” featured displays of classic cars, motorcycles, street rods, modified drag racers and European exotics. All were supported by vendors of the automotive industry displaying their latest products.
This exhibit is billed as the one that kicks off the Indiana car show season for the hundreds of auto enthusiasts throughout central Indiana and beyond. The International Show Car Association is the parent organization and sets the standards for judging and awards. The group provides long-term subcontracts to local supporters of the show.
Red Bledsoe, John Cooper and Tom Culbertson have co-chaired the event for years. Starting in 2006 they were able to implement a career day for high school and college students in the automotive trade. This experience for students and instructors has proven to be a positive and valuable sharing of information for the owners as well as visitors. There is also a pinstripe charity auction that raises funds to support childhood diabetes each year.
The show was launched back in the late 1950s by Rolf Potter and typically had 40 to 50 auto participants in small venues throughout Marion County. The show gradually expanded in size and scope. This year’s edition showcased more than 435 vehicles in four buildings.
Until next time, happy cruising!