Vote for The Voice's top stories of 2015

Senior staff writer
The Southsider Voice published many interesting and newsworthy stories in 2015, and it wants your help in determining the top ones. Using the ballot below, mark 10 selections from 1 to 10, with 1 being the most important.
Submit your ballot to The Voice, 6025 Madison Ave., Suite B, Indianapolis, IN 46227 by 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 15, or fax to 781-0253. Results will be published Jan. 20.
#__ Labor Day Miracle Mile Parade on Madison Avenue salutes the small businesses that make Southside commerce thrive.
#__ Beech Grove declares Walmart a public nuisance after fight between two women goes viral on the Internet.
#__ Beech Grove Mayor Dennis Buckley issues proclamation that bans city discrimination based on sexual orientation.
#__ Controversial use of State Road 37 footprint for extension of Interstate-69 through Perry Township remains on the Indiana Department of Transportation’s list of five alternatives.
#__ Facelift of Downtown Greenwood on Main Street becomes possible with grants and funds of more than $1 million dollars.
#__ Greenwood opens long-awaited Freedom Springs Aquatic Park after aging city pool was closed in 2012.
#__ Nine-mile expansion of I-65 between Southport Road and Main Street interchanges completed, much to relief of motorists.
#__ Jeff Cardwell, longtime business owner, elected chairman of the Indiana Republican Party.
#__ Former newspaper owner/publisher Jerry Sargent dies.
#__ Mark Leonard, mastermind of fatal and devastating Richmond Hill explosion, found guilty and sentenced to double life terms without parole.
#__ Municipal elections result in wins for challenger Russ McClure over Southport Mayor Jesse Testruth by 13 votes and re-election of Dennis Buckley in Beech Grove and Mark Myers in Greenwood.
#__ Near-Southside residents complain to state leaders about odors and alleged pollution emanating from Metalworking Lubricants.
#__ Renaissance Electronic Services relocates to vacated Gerdt Furniture building and gives hope for revitalization of Downtown Southport.
#__ Rock Pile land developed as a site for homes for senior citizens through efforts of Beech Grove Redevelopment Commission and private developer.
#__ Referendums of $53 million for Perry Township Schools and $10 million for Beech Grove Schools approved by voters.
#__ Southport City Council votes to establish the city’s first storm water management district.
#__ The Southside Business Initiative celebrates its grand opening as a shared business workspace.
#__ Grace Buck overcomes tragedy of death of her mother and two brothers on I-65 near Lafayette and becomes an Indiana Pacemate.
#__ Residents lead fight against rezoning of Southgate Plaza for Indianapolis Treatment Center, an outpatient drug abuse facility.
#__ Vacated St. Francis Hospital buildings in Beech Grove to be demolished, according to Franciscan Alliance and Beech Grove.