Wagner, who died of cancer in March, began teaching at the school in 1999 and taught there through the fall of 2016.
Kimmie Kuehr, a 2017 graduate, wrote the following tribute in honor of her beloved teacher.
“I wish I could explain just how amazing Miss Wagner was, but there are truly no words. She was a great teacher, coached the Spell Bowl, led the Pinterest activity period and was in charge of the prom committee.
“I remember her always talking about her and her mother making Goodwill trips at the beginning of each month. She would find amazing jewelry and wear it to school the next day. I loved hearing her stories about her cat and everything else that she enjoyed.
“She was the most caring and loving individual. She was an honest person who told it to you straight. She would be there after school to make sure anyone who needed help (in school or in life) could get it.
“I’ll be the first to tell you that we high school students aren’t always a joy. Miss Wagner always handled us with grace and patience. She was heavily influential in many students’ lives when they had family or life issues. She always let them know that they were loved.
“She put God at the top of her priorities. She always started her classes with a devotion and a “Jeopardy” question because she was an expert when it came to trivia.
“We loved to hear about her trips to London and other parts of Europe.
“Miss Wagner was a loving, caring, strong woman who would do anything for her students. Her legacy at this school is one that cannot be matched and one that will never be forgotten. I was blessed to be able to have her as my teacher all fours years and thankful to God for putting her in my life.”