Although the Southside is stunned by your retirement from pro football, we fully respect your decision to step away from the game that you have loved since a kid.
We are totally understanding of your emotional decision to live a healthy life with your growing family. We admired your tenacity on the field, although it seemed that you shouldered the blame for several defeats that were obviously not entirely on your shoulders. And we certainly understand the respect from all your teammates.
Statistically, your short pro career is filled with greatness: 171 touchdown passes, 23,671 passing yards, 60.8 percent completions (2,000 of 3,290 passes). For 86 regular season games and eight playoff games, you provided football fans with many thrills.
However, it is the way that you touched Indianapolis off the field that we will remember, too. Your kindness to children, to fans and to the Colts organization.
Thank you Andrew for being an Indianapolis Colt.