He along with Southport Parks Department board member Linda Banta joined Cub Scout Pack 499 and Daisy Troop 194 and their parents for a dedication of the bird sanctuary Nov. 14.
More than 30 handmade birdhouses were installed by the groups.
“We just wanted to give something back to the community that everyone can enjoy for years to come,” said Kendra Colberg, Daisy Troop 194 leader. “We wanted the kids to be able to look back and say, ‘I did that; what else can I do in my lifetime?’ ”
Last year one den from Pack 499 built approximately 40 birdhouses for Glenns Valley Nature Park. This year they decided to include all of their troops in the community service project. Pack leader Kurt Colberg built the birdhouses for Southport Park, and the children painted and decorated them.
“They did a really good job,” said Angie Kerner, parks board member. “There will be plants out there in the spring, but it got too cold this year to do that. It will be really pretty. I love it. It will be an awesome addition for the natural habitat and having animals return to the area. When you sit in the park you can see groundhogs, a fox or two run through, rabbits, chipmunks and all different types of birds. This will give the birds a place to lay their eggs and be safe.