Southport resident Drew Karushis built boxes as his Eagle Scout project that was completed December 2017. The original idea was to build lending pantries, with free food available for the community. He built four boxes altogether, with one being installed in Southport Park. When the park underwent construction, the pantry was removed.
The parks board voted that instead of a pantry, they thought a library would be better utilized in that area. The Karushis family worked with the parks board to not only renovate the original box in Southport Park, but add another one at the Southport Little League.
“It’s kind of expanded his project,” said Drew’s mother, Jennifer. “He was bothered when it wasn’t there at the park because of all of the work he put into it. So having it back at the park, he’s very satisfied.”
The parks board will now be in charge of checking on the boxes and rotating books. Parks president Carol Bowling said the libraries are already being utilized, and she’s even had to wait in a small line to check on them.
“I think the novelty of it will bring people in, then when they realize there’s quality stuff in there, that will keep them coming,” Jennifer said.