Hectic holiday schedules for many regular donors contributed to about 37,000 fewer donations that were needed in November and December. Nearly 100 blood drives were canceled last month due to inclement weather.
“Blood and platelet donations are critically needed in the coming days so that patients can continue to receive the lifesaving treatments they are counting on,” said Rodney Wilson, communications manager for Red Cross Indiana-Ohio Blood Services Region. “We encourage donors to invite a family member or friend to donate with them to help meet patient needs. Right now, blood and platelet donations are being distributed to hospitals faster than they are coming in.
“In about an hour you can help save someone’s life. This simple act can have a profound impact on another human being.”
Donors must be in generally good health, at least 17 years old (16 with parental consent) and weigh a minimum of 110 pounds. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 1-800-733-2767 or visiting www.redcrossblood.org.