Under those conditions, dogs must be brought inside the house or a temperature-controlled building that is maintained between 40 to 80 degrees. Dogs require adequate shelter and drinkable water whenever they are kept outdoors and need extra food in cold weather. Domesticated pets, especially shorthaired breeds, do not have the same protection against the brutal cold and wind as wild animals, and require proper shelter whenever they are outside.
During the winter, a dog house is crucial to keep a dog dry and help maintain body heat. The house should only be large enough for him to turn around inside and should be half-filled with dry straw for bedding and insulation. Face the opening to the south and install heavy plastic or cloth strips over the door to keep the wind outside and body heat inside.
FIDO is providing training crates to enable residents to bring their dogs inside during extreme weather by calling 317-2211314. To report an animal in immediate danger, call the Mayor's Action Line at 317-3274622.