Reed, a 20-year-old, has already accomplished something that makes him unique from the thousands of others who train to serve the country. He is one of two Hoosiers who have been accepted into a prestigious training program for the Navy, and he did it on his first attempt.
Reed, a graduate of Perry Meridian who was a decathlete at Marian University, says he is ready to go. He swam, ran and lifted weights at Baxter YMCA and participated in a training program for Navy hopefuls at the University of Indianapolis before he took the test.
When the time came to really buckle down, Reed admits that he watched his diet and relied on a number of friends and staff members at the Y to guide him. “Everyone has been really supportive.”
He completed the 500-meter swim, 1.5-mile run and two-minute push-up, sit-up and pull-up tests with times and a score that surpassed most recruits across the nation.
Reed will leave his position as a lifeguard at Baxter YMCA in March to begin training to become a special warfare combatant-craft crewman, in which he will provide support to the SEALs. Reed will be trained to operate in regional and coastal water around the world, possess extreme firepower and deadly skill sets and will conduct direct action and reconnaissance missions.
He will complete four months of basic training at Naval Station Great Lakes before heading to San Diego for two years. During that time he will complete survival school in Alaska, dive school in Panama City, Fla., and jump school in Alabama.
Although Reed is unsure of what he will do when his service is over, he may look at a career as a firefighter.