Kaufman, an Indianapolis resident and former teacher at Ben Davis High School, vaulted to national stardom last spring when winning Season 6 of the television show “The Voice.”
The first pitch between the Tribe and Columbus Clippers will be at 7:05 p.m. on a night filled with special activities, including the fifth annual Bike to the Ballpark.
The ride begins at Downtown’s Sun King Brewery, and the supervised 1.7-mile ride is free and open to riders of all ages. Once inside Victory Field, fans 21 and older may celebrate the first tapping of the new season’s Sun King Indians Lager. Game tickets are not part of the ride.
If it’s not at least 60 degrees when the first pitch is thrown out, everyone in attendance may exchange their ticket for another April home game.
The first 10,000 people will receive an Indianapolis Indians magnet schedule, and the game will be followed by a fireworks show.
Tickets are available for all home games by calling 269-2282 or visiting IndyIndians.com. Tickets bought a day in advance will be discounted by $2.