In Germany, Maitag (aka May Day) has been celebrated since ancient times in pre-Christianized Europe. As May 1 sits approximaely halfway between the vernal equinox (first day of spring) and the summer solstice (first day of summer), the date held special significance to Germanic peoples, and the accompanying festival ushered in nice spring weather and served to drive away evil spirits.
The raising of the Maibaum symbolized the turn of the season to warmth, and today this rich tradition continues throughout Europe in many different forms. The traditional beers served for the celebration is maibock or bock, which are yellowish in color, sweet and deceptively strong.
The club’s Edelweiss Restaurant, 8602 S. Meridian St., is open from 5-9 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday with a buffet dinner available every Wednesday for $12.95 for members and their guests, $14.95 for nonmembers. Info: 317-888-6940.