Eskenazi Health pediatrician
With open marketplace enrollment on the horizon, central Indiana residents without health insurance – and those looking for the latest information regarding the confusing health-care insurance scene – are encouraged to visit Eskenazi Health for the best advice.
Open marketplace enrollment runs Nov. 1 through Dec. 15, and outside of that period, generally enrolling in a health insurance plan can only be done if a person qualifies for a special enrollment period, such as a life event: marriage, the birth of a child or change in health insurance coverage.
On Saturday, Nov. 18, the Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital and Eskenazi Health campus will host a special opportunity for eligible residents to access various health coverage opportunities.
Our health-care navigators will assist hundreds of people, and information about the Children’s Health Insurance Program will be available. CHIP is an initiative designed to provide insurance coverage to children whose families earn too much to qualify for Medical Assistance but who cannot afford private insurance.
The event comes during the midst of Enroll Indianapolis Day at Eskenazi Health, which will allow the public to learn about options offered through the Affordable Care Act, Healthy Indiana Plan – HIP 2.0 and to sign up on-site for one of the marketplace insurance plans. The event will run from 8 a.m.-to 5 p.m. at the hospital, 720 Eskenazi Ave. Free parking will be available.
The event allows people to learn about the various options before the deadline for fall enrollment. Those attending will receive a free health insurance information.
Eskenazi Health has a dedicated staff of more than 60 navigators to assist with health insurance enrollment, and a toll-free phone number – 1-855-202-1053 – is available to connect with staff who can answer questions and provide assistance in using the online marketplace.
The marketplace is designed to provide uninsured Hoosiers with access to plans being made available. More information is available at www.healthcare.gov/.
If you need a pediatrician for your child or a primary care physician for yourself, call 317-880-8687 or visit www.eskenazihealth.edu/doctors.