The quality of life study for the area bounded by I-465 to the south, Beecher Street to the north, Meridian Street to the west and I-65 to east has pinpointed issues that need to be addressed.
Among those concerns are a 20 percent poverty rate, higher-than-average unemployment, an abundance of empty homes and storefronts, parks, education and housing.
Despite those pitfalls, the outlook for revitalizing the 4.25-square-mile area looks promising to Fifth Third Bank, the University of Indianapolis, the Local Initiatives Support Corp. and the Indianapolis Housing Partnership.
The crown jewels of the community are Garfield Park and UIndy, and neither show any signs of losing their luster.
Action teams – each composed of residents charged with addressing one of the problem areas – have been meeting to help write a document that captures a collaborative vision and outlines clear action steps and timelines for making it a reality.
The teams will meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 26, at Emma Donnan Middle School, 1202 E. Troy Ave., to look at possible logos for the project. Work sessions will be held at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 9, at the school, and both programs are open to the public. Info: Scarlett Andres Martin at 602-3616.
Everyone involved in the study envisions fresh sidewalks and tree- and flower-lined medians. Team members hope to see businesses thrive, sleepy strip centers awaken and vacant buildings swell with merchants and shoppers.