From May 7 to Oct. 31, the street will be restricted or closed to through traffic between Troy and Southern avenues as a result of construction for the DigIndy Tunnel System, which is also being coordinated with the IndyGo Red Line construction in the area.
Businesses along the route will remain open and accessible, and residents will be able to reach their homes.
“We believe delaying our work along Shelby Street will help ensure a smoother transition for the community, including accommodating upcoming events such as the commencement at the University of Indianapolis,” said Mark Jacob, Citizens’ vice president of capital programs and engineering.
Elements of the project include underground infrastructure that will capture and divert combined sewer overflows to the Pleasant Run Tunnel, a portion of the tunnel system to be completed by 2025. Citizens’ work will also include the relocation of gas and water lines, which may cause temporary service disruptions.