Mentored by the late and legendary Tom Hathaway, the boys teams won state titles in 1970, ’71 and ’75 and the girls in ’78, ’79 ’80 and ’81.
“The fall of 1970 was a magical season for our cross-country team,” said Dave Rodebaugh, a 1971 graduate. “Coach Tom Hathaway was the best in the state at training and preparing us for every competition. We were undefeated state champs that year, and no team came close to us at any meet, including the state finals.
“Coach was our beloved leader, and his wife, Jane, was ‘Mrs. Mom’ to all of us. Our team still cherishes that title 46 years later. We were the first team to win a cross-country state title at Southport. Other teams followed with state titles under coach Hathaway – a total of three boys teams and four girls teams.”
To honor their coach, a committee of former runners and the Southport Alumni Association have established the Tom and Jane Hathaway Cross Country Scholarship. Tax-deductible contributions – payable to the SHS Alumni Association – can be mailed to the association at 971 E. Banta Road, Indianapolis, IN 46227.
Those planning to attend the ceremony are asked to email tpedigo
[email protected].
“We are proud to honor the legacy of coach Tom and Jane Hathaway,” said Rodebaugh.