Senior staff writer
A business organization with roots on the Southside is seeking new members. Newly installed president of the Indianapolis Business Boosters, Mike Heimel of Heimel Auction Services explained the ways that the group is special.
“It’s a neat group, a tip group,” said Heimel, a 35-year member. “Each member represents a business that is unique to the organization. “Let’s say someone who knows me gives me a call because they are looking for a car. And they ask me if I know of anyone that I can recommend for them to contact about a vehicle. Then I can give them the name of a specific member who has that specialty.”
Likewise, Business Boosters members also help each other too because they already know someone within the group that has a business that can help them resolve a need or problem like plumbing, banking, construction or computers among many fields. For example, Heimel is an auctioneer and appraiser; club vice president Larry Loyd owns NJ Enterprises Auto Sales; Maurice “Mo” Harbert owns Realty World-Harbert; and Bob Dapper is co-owner of Royal Spa.
More than two dozen types of businesses are represented by the club, all providing internal networking and tips to the public.
“We can let someone we know about a member who does business the way it should be done with dependability, honesty and fairness,” Heimel explained. “We can provide those tips.”
Janet Swigert, a 35-year member who owns Beauti Pleat Draperies, serves as secretary. The treasurer is Ann Hall of Teachers Credit Union, and the social coordinator/newsletter editor is Patty Schmalz, who does alterations. The group meets at 8 a.m. every Thursday at MCL Restaurant & Cafeteria, 3630 S. East St. Professions represented in the club also include attorney, auto and tire care, banking, business machines, computer, funeral, optical/vision, home inspection, payroll and construction services, cosmetics, electrical, financial consultant, heating and air conditioning, health, insurance, interior plants, mortgage consultant, plumbing and real estate.
After a rocky four-year start as a professional service organization, members Bob Beck, Jim Stewart, Steve Rossman, Larry Harrell and Art Tempe transformed the group into a viable tip club under a new name, the Indianapolis Business Boosters. More information about the club is available at www.ibbindy. com.