Our student body continues to grow. Enrollment has increased to 16,130 – an uptick of 707 students compared to this time last year. We are thankful to our principals, teachers, staff and the transportation department for making the necessary adjustments to ensure that everyone’s needs are met. We are blessed that we have the ability to welcome so many students into our classrooms.
Our schools are able to accommodate so many newcomers thanks to the construction of 26 new classrooms and four kindergarten academies. These additions made it possible for us to not utilize portable classrooms, so students now stay inside their buildings.
These new spaces would not be possible without the generosity of our kindhearted community, whose tax dollars support our district. This week we have invited the community to see how its generosity is making a difference. The staff at Homecroft and Jeremiah Gray kindergarten academies hosted open houses earlier this week. Rosa Parks and Douglas MacArthur are holding open houses from 4:30-6:30 p.m. today and Thursday, respectively. Our guests can enjoy refreshments while taking tours of the facilities.
Our community is also invited to join us at the grand opening of Falcon Stadium at Perry Meridian High at 5 p.m. Friday. The boys in blue will kick off at 7 p.m. against Greenwood. The football team is rooting for a full house when playing its first home game on its turf. We appreciate the Ray Skillman Family for making this long-awaited dream a reality.
The addition of Falcon Stadium also marks a new beginning for Southport High’s football team. On Friday, Sept. 22, the Cards will officially rename their stadium to Cardinal Stadium. A special ceremony will commemorate the name change before the game. The kickoff against Franklin Central is at 7 p.m. We will share additional details once plans are finalized.
We have unveiled new websites for the district and every school. We are working hard to improve communication with our families. We want to make it easier for them to find information, and we want the user’s experience to feel intuitive, not frustrating. Lastly, we want the formats to be consistent from site to site. If a parent finds information on one school’s site, they should be able to locate the same information in the same place on another school’s site. It is important to create a similar experience across the board.
To view our websites or to find more information about upcoming events, go to perryschools.org.