We have had a couple of nice mornings where we could sit out on our back porch and enjoy some coffee. A few days ago we heard a couple of owls communicating with each other. They were exchanging some sort of information to each other. First one would hoot and then the other would reply. We have had great horned owls in our neighborhood before, and it is so much fun to study their habits.
We also hear the horses from the Southport Equestrian Center. They whinny and nicker to one another all the time. One of their pastures is behind our backyard. Their donkey, Charlie, also keeps us entertained when he gets excited. His favorite word is “heehaw.”
Our three chickens are good at vocally explaining when they feel that they should be allowed outside of their fenced-in area. They enjoy roaming around our yard and assisting Lyn when she is working in her gardens. They also get excited each morning when I deliver their special breakfast.
For several years we have enjoyed having a pair of mallards spend a few weeks of spring in our neighborhood. They nest on the bank of the creek that runs to the east of us. I have seen and heard them a few times this spring. They come up to dine under our bird feeders a couple of times a day.
When I spot them I toss out some cracked corn for them. They enjoy the corn so much that they hardly walk away as I approach. A few days ago I saw two pairs eating. We had no idea that there were two pairs of mallards nesting in the neighborhood (they all look alike, you know).
We also have a bird’s nest that is on a downspout near our garage door. The nest is about 7 or 8 years old, having first been used by robins before mourning doves took it over.
Last week I noticed a couple of baby doves peeking out of the nest and huddling with their mom. A couple of days ago the nest was empty. The next morning as I was about to refill our bird feeders, I startled mom dove and her two young ones. They were resting up against our house near the feeder. All three of them flew away but not very far. They came back for their breakfast as soon as the feeders were refilled.
The neatest thing of all is that Stuart, our dog, gets along with all of these animals.
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I have a brief update concerning one of my former high school classmates, Bob Rosebrock. For several years he has been involved with a group that has been protesting the abuse and misappropriation of a large section of land in the Los Angeles area that was supposed to be used to provide housing, medical care and rehabilitation for veterans.
These protests have been going on for about 500 consecutive Sundays. Several months ago Bob was arrested for placing a small American flag on the fence of the Veterans Affairs center on Veterans Day.
His day in court came last week, and he was acquitted of all charges. I can’t imagine being arrested for what he did.
There are several new reports on YouTube about this.
Bob posted on Facebook that he might return home for a visit in the near future. I’m looking forward to that.