The production begins with Peter and his mischievous fairy sidekick Tinkerbell visiting the nursery of the Darling children late one night. With a sprinkle of pixie dust they begin a magical journey across the stars that none of them will forget.
The travelers meet a ticking crocodile, an Indian tribe, a band of bungling pirates and, of course, the villainous Capt. Hook.
The high-flying Tony Award-winning musical features the iconic songs “I’m Flying, “I’ve Gotta Crow,” “Never Never Land” and “I Won’t Grow Up.”
Tickets range from $40 to $65 and include a buffet dinner. A $10 discount is available for children ages 3-15; reduced prices are also available to groups of 20 or more. A show schedule is posted at, and tickets are available by calling 872-9664.